Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Study (JNIAS)

Created in 2004. For the first time in India, such an institute was established as part of a university. Fellows started arriving in 2008. About 100 front ranking scholars from outside India have already been awarded fellowships for various durations ranging from one to twelve months. JNIAS is a self-contained site of scholarly pursuits in an environment of intellectual fellowship and a source of academic enrichment for the university community. The JNIAS seeks to promote research and interaction with front ranking scholars from universities/research institutions world over in key areas that the JNU academic community across disciplines is interested in. The only common requirement would be that all areas supported would have to have multi or trans-disciplinary relevance.
University: Jawaharlal Nehru University
Contact: New Delhi 110067
Tel: +91 11 26741132
Director: Prof. Dr. GJV Prasad
Founded in: 2004
Focus of research: JNIAS welcomes scholars who work in all the areas of research that Jawaharlal Nehru University is actively engaged in – i.e. in all areas of Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences. While the Institute prefers work of significance to the Global South, especially South Asia, the Fellowships are open to scholars working in any area. JNIAS offers Fellowships twice a year to internIn ational scholars and facilitates their research work as also interaction with the university faculty. The Institute also welcomes artistes and writers and public intellectuals in order to create a deep engagement with contemporary issues. JNIAS encourages close interaction between Fellows and the university community.
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