Past UBIAS conferences



The Institute for Advanced Research in Nagoya (Japan) hosted the first in-presence UBIAS conference in five years from October 30th to November 1st, 2023. Key themes of interdisciplinarity, impact, intersectorality were discussed and two new Institutes were co-opted as members of the UBIAS Community.


12-14 april 2021, held virtually, marseille

The Institute for Advanced Study at Aix-Marseille University (IMéRA) virtually hosted the 6th Directors' Conference from April 12 to 14, 2021. Changes to the text of the UBIAS Statutes were approved and the issue of international scientific mobility in the age of global pandemics was discussed.


12-14 october 2020, held virtually, SÃO PAULO

The Institute of Advanced Studies at the University of São Paulo (IEA) in Brazil virtually hosted the UBIAS Directors' Pre-Conference from October 12 to 14, 2020, in the impossibility for the Institute for Advanced Study at Aix-Marseille University (IMéRA) to host the face-to-face conference, a fact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The membership session of the business meeting was anticipated, culminating in the entry of six new institutes in the network.


“UBIAS in the New World - UBIAS in a New World”

19-23 March 2018, São Paulo

The the Institute of Advanced Studies at the University of São Paulo (IEA) in Brazil hosted the 5th UBIAS Directors' Conference on 19-23 March 2018. This was the first UBIAS conference held in Latin-America as the title of the event suggests. Among other issues the Statutes and membership criteria were consolidated during the business meeting and five new members were added to the network.


“UBIAS into Impact: Networking our academics to meet global challenges”

19-23 June 2016, BIRMINGHAM, UK

The University of Birmingham's Institute of Advanced Studies hosted the 4th meeting of Directors of Institutes of Advanced Study from around the globe. Under the organisation of the UBIAS (University-Based Institutes for Advanced Study) network colleagues discussed the UK, European and global research environment, and planned how IAS's can realise the full potential of the network.


“Rising New Perspectives in an Age of Globalization: Challenges and Prospects”

27-30 November 2014, Taipei

In November 2014, the UBIAS Directors Conference, hosted by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (National Taiwan University), took place in Taipei. Representatives from America, Europe, Asia and Australia gathered to discuss issues of common interest to their institutes. Under the title Breaking Through Old Boundaries and Paradigms in a New Age of Globalization participants specifically discussed the changing role of East Asia in the global society and academia. More information on the conference can be found here.


“Scientific and academic knowlegde”

17-19 September 2013, vancouver

The Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, hosted an interdisciplinary UBIAS Conference on “Scientific and Academic Knowledge” from September 17-19, 2013 at Vancouver, Canada. This format was suggested by the UBIAS Steering Committee as a valuable instrument for integrating the network and engaging the institutes and their fellows in fruitful scientific dialogue. The conference was initiated to strengthen relationships among member institutes and spread knowledge globally.


“Shaping the Future - Navigating in a changing world"

4-6 March 2013, Jerusalem

This conference format was suggested to enable regular exchange between UBIAS institutes on a director’s level.

1st directors' conference
“University-Based IAS in a Global Perspective: Promises, Challenges, New Frontiers”

25–27 October 2010, Freiburg, GERMANY

From 25th–27th October 2010, the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), Germany, hosted the world’s first conference of University-Based Institutes for Advanced Study, to which speakers and participants from leading international research universities were invited. The conference brought together 32 research colleges from 19 countries in five continents. This rich diversity of institutions present facilitated in-depth exchange of views and experiences, and provided an opportunity to explore the potential and development prospects for this new type of academic research institute. The results are documented in the conference proceedings:

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