The UBIAS network is an inclusive community. It welcomes applications from University-based Institutes of Advanced Studies worldwide. The Institutes for Advanced Study seeking to join the UBIAS network must fulfill the following criteria:

  1. Be affiliated with an internationally respected, research active university.

  2. Offer a substantial competitive fellowship programme that provides scholarships to experienced researchers.

  3. Fulfill a function for the university not restricted to a particular discipline or affiliated with any single department or faculty.

  4. Support programmes that foster collegiality and innovation through interdisciplinarity.

Step 1: A detailed application addressing the above-mentioned membership criteria (please see the 'Reference Document' below) and a letter detailing the motivations for joining the UBIAS network must be sent to the UBIAS Lead Coordinator, currently the Director of the French Network of Institutes for Advanced Study (RFIEA).


Step 2: The UBIAS Steering Committee will review the application and assess whether the membership criteria are reasonably met, including after follow-up written Q&As and/or live exchanges with the director of the applying institute.


Step 3: Based on Steering Committee’s clearance, the applying institute will be invited to present the IAS and its activities at the next UBIAS directors’ conference. After this presentation, UBIAS members will vote on the granting of the membership.


Nota: UBIAS will not consider applications from institutes that are in the process of being established. The network encourages however representatives of such institutes to ask for observer status at UBIAS meetings. Attendance at these events may be beneficial in that they can provide emerging institutes with the opportunity to draw on the experience of more established institutes and to develop cross-institutional relationships.


reference document for Institutes of Advanced Studies seeking to join THE UBIAS NETWORK


This document is intended to be a user-friendly tool to help applying Institutes. Please do not hesitate to include relevant information beyond the items presented below and to contact the UBIAS Lead Coordinator in case of need for further clarification.

1. The University

Brief presentation of the university where the IAS is based. Basic information should include a short description, demography (faculty and students) and geography (locations of campuses), institutional nature, affiliation and governance structure.

2. The IAS

Institutional background

  • When was the IAS created? What sparked the creation?

  • What were the major developments in the IAS history?

  • What specific objectives are pursued?

  • Governance structure, operating budget, funding sources, administrative staff

  • Facilities: Does the IAS have dedicated premises? Please describe the work facilities as well as the accommodation facilities/arrangements?

Fellowship policy

  • Size of the fellowship programme (i.e. how many fellow months per year e.g. 10 fellows for 10 months each = 100 fellow months), length of fellowships (minimum, maximum, average)

  • Description of application and of selection processes: calls, selection boards, flagged priorities, share of internal fellows (from the home university of the IAS) vs. external fellows, share of national fellows vs. international fellows, junior vs. senior, blue sky vs. thematized calls, individual invitations vs. group invitations, etc.)

  • Fellowship conditions: stipend policy/working contracts, mandatory and/or optional academic activities (weekly seminars, conferences, etc.) and social (lunches, dinners, etc.)

Main activities

  • Projects and publications

  • Dissemination and outreach

  • Institutional and international collaborations

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