The UBIAS network places great emphasis on supporting early to mid-career researchers who be the scientific and intellectual leaders of tomorrow. The Intercontinental Academia is a unique opportunity for very promising researchers from all over the world to engage at the highest scientific level with topics of fundamental relevance.

Each Intercontinental Academia (ICA) promotes the scientific exchange between generations, disciplines, cultures and continents, investing particularly in young scientists aged between 30 and 40 years from different areas of knowledge to engage in an interdisciplinary collaborative study.

Each ICA stands under the guidance of senior scientists of regional and international recognition who are associated with the organizing IAS. With the contribution of leading scientific advisors, they design the overall program, invite the mentors, select the fellows, and coordinate the activities.

Four ICAs have been successfully organized

ICA1 on “Time” organized by IAR Nagoya and IEA São Paulo (2015-2016).

ICA2 on “Human dignity” organized by ZIF Bielefeld and IIAS Jerusalem (2016-2018)

ICA3 on Laws: Rigidity and Dynamics organized by IAS Singapore and IAS Birmingham, UK (2018-2019)

ICA4 on Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence organized by Paris IAS and Belo Horizonte IEAT (2021-2022)

The proposal to create an Intercontinental Academia was brought up during the meeting of the UBIAS Steering Committee held in 2012 at the Institute for Advanced Study Jawaharlal Nehru, in New Delhi, India. The initial idea was conceived by the then Israel IAS Director, Prof. Eliezer Rabinovici.

Read more about the concept

Read more about the past ICAs

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